How Cannabis Can Help with PTSD

Research into cannabis’s ability to help post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is growing. PTSD is a mental illness that can happen after someone has been through a stressful event. PTSD patients may have several symptoms, such as dreams, flashbacks, anxiety, and sadness. More and more evidence suggests that weed may help people with PTSD. For instance, a 2018 review of studies found that weed could help ease the signs of PTSD, like anxiety, sadness, and nightmares.

There is some proof that cannabis or some of its parts, primarily THC and CBD, may help people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) feel better. One small study (n = 10) found that adding 5 mg of THC twice a day as an extra treatment made sleep better and lowered the number of nightmarish episodes, PTSD hyperarousal (based on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale), and total symptom intensity.

People who took nabilone, an artificial version of THC, also had better sleep, with fewer nightmares and fewer other PTSD symptoms. However, it looks like THC does not have many positive benefits when it comes to PTSD, so many things about this disease stay the same. This might be because THC does not treat PTSD.

We do not have a lot of information about a link between cannabis and PTSD in humans because the studies were not very thorough and had mixed results. These results range from complaints getting better to warnings about how well it works.

Cannabis and Cannabinoids

Cannabis may help people with PTSD in several different ways. One way is to work with the endocannabinoid system. There are receptors all over the body that make up the endocannabinoid system. This system helps control many bodily processes, such as mood, worry, and stress.

Cannabinoids are the active ingredients in cannabis. They can link to endocannabinoid receptors in the brain and other body parts to have many effects, such as lowering nervousness and making you feel more relaxed.

Inflammation may be another way that weed may help people with PTSD. A lot of mental health problems, like PTSD and sadness, have been linked to inflammation. Since cannabinoids reduce inflammation, they may help people with PTSD by lowering inflammation in the brain and body.

It is important to remember that weed does not treat PTSD. Plus, you should know that cannabis can have some harmful effects, like dry mouth, red eyes, dizziness, and trouble coordinating your movements.

It would help if you talked to your doctor about the pros and cons of using weed to treat your PTSD before you decide to do so.


If you want to use weed to help PTSD, here are some tips:

Start with a small amount and slowly raise it until you get the desired result.
If you have PTSD, do not smoke or vape weed. It can make your symptoms worse.
If you want to lessen the effects of THC on your mind, you might want to use goods that contain CBD.

Use weed in a safe place and under your control.
Talk to your doctor about how to use cannabis smartly and safely.
Also, keep in mind that weed can affect how other medicines work. Before you use weed, you should talk to your doctor, especially if you are already on some medication.

About Dominic E.

Film Student and Full-time Medical Writer forĀ